Egy hatalmas adag biztonsági rés

2008.01.26. 14:18 freya-spamblog

Az elmúlt hetekben elmaradtunk a Sunbelt Network Security Inspector frissítéseinek közlésével, ezért ezt ebben a szokatlanul hosszú hírben pótolnánk. Az SNSI legújabb frissítései rengeteg hálózati sebezhetőséggel - és azok egyszerű megoldási útmutatójával - bővítik a biztonsági auditot készítő szoftver adatbázisát. A frissítések természetesen a Mitre Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) lista, az FBI/SANS lista, a CERT, CIAC Microsoft és FedCIRC (Department of Homeland Security) összes biztonsági figyelmeztetését is tartalmazzák.

Ha még nem ismeri az SNSI-t, töltsön le a termék honlapjáról egy ingyenes próbaváltozatot, ami rögtön megállapítja, hogy számítógépe hány befoltozatlan, távolról kihasználható bizonsági rést tartalmaz!

Az adatbázisba bekerült sebezhetőségek:

W3246 Internet Explorer 6 crash after installing KB942615 - XP SP2

W3126 Wireshark multiple dissector vulnerabilities
W3075 Opera Vulnerabilities / latest not installed.
S0337 Kernel / SCSI tape drives may induce panic - Solaris 9
S0274 Sshd incorrect logging of audit data - Solaris 9
S0150 Veritas / HBA connections may hang - Solaris 8 - 10
L0321 KDEgraphics3-pdf multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
L0322 KOffice multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
L0323 Libextractor multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
L0324 Poppler multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
L0325 GPDF multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
L0326 PDFtoHTML multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
L0327 Apache2 multiple XSS and DoS flaws - SuSE
L0328 Cacti graph_start value or parameter flaw - SuSE
L0329 OpenLDAP objectClasses and slapo-pcache error - SuSE
L0330 PHPPgAdmin HTML XSS and server validation errors - SuSe
L0333 Perl regular expression critical flaw - SuSE
L0334 Rubygem-activesupport to_json XSS bug - SuSE
L0335 Yast2-core current working directory path error - SuSE
L0336 Librpcsecgss svcauth_gss error - SuSE
L0337 Liblcms ICC profile parsing error - SuSE
L0338 Pcre Perl multiple vulnerabilities - SuSE
N0073 JunOS BGP packet handling
H0017 Rpc.yppasswdd - HP-UX 10,11
W3224 Office 2003 SP3 not installed - W2K, XP, W2K3
W2782 QuickTime Movie and Image validation Vulnerabilities
W2692 QuickTime RTSP response message-reason phase Vulnerability
W2662 Novell ESM Client Vulnerability - W2K, XP
W2570 FlexNet Connect Download Manager Vulnerability
S0541 Dotoprocs improper validation induces system panic - Solaris 10
S0421 Libdevinfo may grant unauthorized privileges - Solaris 10
S0408 Libxml2 may induce application failures - Solaris 9-10
M0089 QuickTime Movie and Image validation Vulnerabilities
L0354 Mantis view.php filename injection error - FC
L0355 Python-cherrypy security bypass - FC
L0356 Asterisk SIP channel BYE message error - FC
L0357 QT4 SSL verification flaw - FC
L0358 Libcdio print_iso9660 core dump error - FC
L0359 ImLib BMP image infinite loop error - FC
L0360 Exiv2 exif.cpp EXIF crafting error - FC
L0361 Ganglia multiple XSS webscript errors - FC
L0363 MySQL multiple security problems - FC
L0364 Eggdrop mod/server.mod/servrmsg error - FC
L0369 AutoFS nodev mount & nosuid hosts flaws - RHE
L0371 Tog-pegasus CIM server PAM authentication error - RHE
L0376 Libxml2 invalid UTF-8 xml CurrentChar error - FC
L0377 Tog-pegasus CIM server PAM authentication error - FC
L0378 Libxml2 invalid UTF-8 xml CurrentChar error - RHE
H0182 OpenView Operations Agent Vulnerabilities - HP-UX 11
H0168 Firefox multiple vulnerabilities - HP-UX 11
H0158 Thunderbird pre Multiple Vulnerabilities - HP-UX 11
W2935 Winamp MP3 handling Vulnerability
W3006 Novell Client Vulnerabilities - W2K, XP, W2K3
W3253 Oracle Database Vulnerabilities (Jan. 2008)
W3255 Oracle Collaboration Suite Vulnerabilities (Jan. 2008)
W3256 Oracle E-Business Suite Vulnerabilities (Jan. 2008)
W3257 Oracle Enterprise Manager Vulnerabilities (Jan. 2008)
W3258 Excel header handling vulnerability - Excel 2K, XP, 2003, Viewer 2003
S0481 Xorg XServer may permit unauthorized data access - Solaris 8 - 10
S0482 Xsun Xserver may permit unauthorized access - Solaris 8 - 10
N0074 Cisco Firewall Services application inspection flaw
L0392 Samba multiple vulnerabilities - SciLinux
L0394 Thunderbird multiple vulnerabilities - SL
L0395 Python-paramiko RandomPool processing flaw - FC
L0396 Xine-lib rmff_dump_cont SDP error - FC
L0397 Syslog-ng timestamp NULL dereference error - FC
L0398 E2fsprogs lebext2fs memory allocation error - FC
L0400 Cairo PNG processing flaw - FC
L0401 ClamAV multiple code errors - FC
L0402 Boost invalid regex errors - FC
H0068 X Font Server QueryX Vulnerabililties - HP-UX 11

Frissített sebezhetőségek:
W3120 Safari 3.0 Beta vulnerabilities
W1142, W1986, W1999, W2067 Anti-Virus Signatures
S0533 SCSI MPT Issues - Solaris 10
L0069 Xpdf multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
L0150 OpenOffice HSQLDB crafted Java error - SuSE
L0234 CUPS multiple remote crafted PDF bugs - SuSE
M0134 Security Update 2007-009v1.1 Mac OS X 10.4
H0129 Veritas data protection issue - HP-UX 11
H0023 Csh/ksh/sh-posix - Unsafe Temporary Files - HP-UX 10,11
W3229 Web Proxy Auto Discovery Vulnerability
L0079 Opera multiple security vulnerabilities - SuSE
L0119 Gallery multiple vulnerabilities - FC
L0269 Apache HTTPD XSS errors - RHE
L0279 Samba multiple vulnerabilities - RHE
L0353 AutoFS nodev mount & nosuid hosts flaws - FC
L0884 Wordpress MD5 cookie & DB_CHARSET errors - FC
L1381 PostgreSQL multiple vulnerabilities - FC
L1612 Libexif crafted EXIF tags errors - FC
L1649 Libexif crafted EXIF tags errors - MDV
L1674 Drupal multiple remote exploit errors - FC
H0136 Remshd / R-commands vulnerabilities - HP-UX 11
H0064 X Font Server Vulnerability - HP-UX 10,11
L0022 Moodle install.php XSS error - FC
L0354 Mantis Most Active Bugs XSS flaw - FC
L1565 Xorg-X11 libXfont PCF font difference error - FC
W1142, W1986, W1999, W2067 Anti-Virus Signatures

Átdolgozott sebezhetőségek:
W2877 It appears that anti-virus software is not installed.
S0443 Libtiff multiple vulnerabilities Solaris 8 - 10
W3248 Office 2007 Service Pack 1 - XP, 2K3, Vista
W3227 Vulnerability in DNS Could Allow Spoofing W2K3, W2K
W3068 DNS Server interface RPC vulnerability - W2KS, W2K3
S0471 SSL RSA Signature verification vulnerability - Solaris 9 - 10
S0443 Libtiff multiple vulnerabilities Solaris 8 - 10

A frissítés minden felhasználónak ingyenes és automatikusan megtörténik a legújabb SNSI változatra.

Bővebb információ: SNSI hálózati sebezhetőség vizsgáló honlapja

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